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Bird Group

Lovebirds are one of the smaller, medium sized parrots. They have longer bills than most parrots and are the only group in which most species will cut wood, paper and shavings into strips, then tuck them into their rump feathers to bring back to the nest.

Lovebirds originated in Africa and have been bred in captivity for many years. Peach-Faced Lovebirds in various colors are most commonly sold in pet stores, with Black-Cheeked, Masked and Fischer’s Lovebirds seen more rarely.

Lovebirds are fearless and will go to many people, but will bite to defend their cage or nest. Hand raised birds can make great pets, but need to be handled frequently to remain tame. Lovebirds require more attention than smaller birds and are a suitable pet only for customers who are home for at least part of the day, as well as mornings and evenings.

Unless paired when young, lovebirds may attack each other; in general, they are best kept individually, particularly if the customer wants a tame bird.

Lovebirds rarely talk well; their normal vocalizations are squeaky and loud. Males and females vocalize similarly.

Distinguishing sex and age can be difficult. Depending on the species and coloration, young lovebirds may have darker coloring on their bill or larger looking eyes. Sexing lovebirds by appearance is virtually impossible, although experienced breeders can tell by feeling their pelvic bones. Young lovebirds may pair up with birds of the same sex and act like mating pairs; two females can even produce infertile eggs.

Lovebirds generally live from eight to 14 years.        

6218 Nieman Rd
Shawnee, KS 66203

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 5 pm

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